Signed in as:
Signed in as:
Section A. Name of Club: Wickenburg Ranch Pickleball Club / WRPBC
Section B. Mission Statement: Wickenburg Ranch Pickleball Club promotes the play and instruction of the sport of pickleball, while helping to support the overall community atmosphere of the Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club, L.L.C.
Section C. These bylaws will fully comply with the Wickenburg Ranch Golf and Social Club Rules and Regulations document (dated Feb. 24, 2015). The WRPBC acknowledges that resolution of any conflict between WRPBC bylaws and Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club rules and regulations will be determined in accordance with the governing documents of the Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club. Anything not specifically stated in these bylaws shall be addressed using the Robert’s Rules of Order format.
The Board of Directors (referred to as “the Board”) shall maintain a separate document entitled “Standing Rules and Operating Procedures” to detail the foundations established within these bylaws. These rules and procedures shall be made available to all club members on, proceed to documents for review.
Section D. The WRPBC shall be operated as a Non-Profit Organization (501(c)(3) Private Foundation) in accordance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Arizona state statutes, and the rules and regulations of Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club.
Section E. The Wickenburg Ranch Pickleball Club does not own, manage or maintain the Wickenburg Ranch pickleball facilities.
Section A. Membership is optional and shall be open to all members in good standing with the Wickenburg Ranch Golf and Social Club.
Participation in WRPBC scheduled activities and special events (as approved by Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club administration) are limited to persons identified as WRPBC members; any exceptions are specified in the Standing Rules and Operating Procedures document.
Annual membership fees are currently $30.00 for each member yearly and are due no later than January 31st. If received after January 31st, membership will no longer be considered in “good standing”. A 50% increase will be applied, bringing the membership fee to a total of $45.00. This increase will be implemented to reinstate membership and retain the member in “good standing”. January 1, 2025, membership dues will increase to $40.00, if paid after January 31st, it will increase to $60.00.
Section B. There shall be no precondition for membership, nor will members be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organizations. Affiliation to other organizations may be required for various competitive events and participation is solely at the discretion of the individual member.
Section C. Guest Privileges: The pickleball facilities are available for use by all homeowners and guests of Wickenburg Ranch, however, WRPBC scheduled activities and special events are limited to WRPBC members. Limited participation in WRPBC events to non-WRPBC members is granted under the conditions detailed in the WRPBC Standing Rules and Operating Procedures. Waivers, wristbands and a possible charge will be assessed to those guests, that are not immediate family members. For those who are immediate family members, a Waiver will need to be signed and a wristband will be worn.
Approved and identified guests taking part in any Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club, Troon Golf, L.L.C. or Trilogy designed and administered programs or promotions may be afforded all participatory benefits, however, all authority over, responsibility and liability for these guests will be solely assumed by Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club administration.
Section D. Dues: Annual dues in an amount determined by the WRPBC Board of Directors (and approved by membership vote) are payable in advance.
Timely payment of dues by each member shall be required for membership in good standing.
Section E. Grievances: All members shall be provided with the opportunity to present items to the Board for consideration of action that shall include, but not be limited to, grievances, resolution and/or appeal.
Section A. Board of Directors (Board): There shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President (Optional) and as many Directors as deemed necessary by the Board for club member representation. These officers and directors shall collectively be called the Board of Directors. The Board may appoint members to temporarily fill and complete any vacated, unexpired term. The General Membership of the WRPBC must, by annual majority vote of members present, elect all members of the Board of Directors to fill any expired terms of office except those members who are appointed by the Board to fill any vacated, unexpired term.
The Board of Directors shall make available for viewing all required Federal and State documentation as described in the Standing Rules and Operating Procedures. The Board of Director’s have implemented an Anti-Nepotism policy to prevent the promotion of any family members or close relatives to serve on the WR Pickleball Board of Directors. The purpose of this policy is to avoid favoritism and conflicts of interest. The meaning of relative is as follows:
Spouse, domestic partner, or anyone in a romantic relationship and whether blood, adoption, child, parent, grandparent, sibling, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew or any other person residing in the immediate household of the Board Member.
Section B. Election: All members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by a majority vote at an annual membership meeting once a quorum has been established and shall serve without compensation.
Section C. Term of Office: All members of the Board of Directors are elected for a two (2) year term, provided they receive a majority vote of club members during the election meeting. The term of office shall begin on the first day of the succeeding fiscal year (after annul election) of the WRPBC.
Section D. Duties and Responsibilities:
President: Shall preside over all club meetings and be accountable for the administration of club business. The President shall carry out the direction and policies established by the Board of Directors. The President shall act as principal liaison between the club and Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club administration. In the event of vacancies on the Board of Directors, the President shall appoint, with Board approval, interim replacement Board Members to finish out the term until official elections can be held. The
President shall ensure that all Board members and committee chairpersons read, understand, and fully comply with the Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social
Club Rules and Regulations Documents and all Wickenburg Ranch Pickleball Club rules, regulations and adopted procedures and/or policies.
Vice-President: Shall perform all duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or inability to perform and shall also perform other such duties and responsibilities as may be assigned, with Board approval, from time to time by the President. The Vice President will also fulfill the responsibility of the upcoming election.
Secretary: Shall keep the club records, issue notices of all meetings of the Board of Directors or General Membership, shall keep minutes thereof, conduct correspondence relating to the club’s business, and furnish requested (non-financially related) reports to administrators of the Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club or other persons or organizations as may be required. The Secretary may also perform other such duties as may be assigned by the club President.
Treasurer: Shall receive and deposit all monies due to the club and pay all obligations that may be incurred by the club in the regular course of its business; shall keep an up-to-date ledger of all financial transactions and provide financial reports as may be required at all meetings of the Board of Directors and/or General Membership; prepare and submit Year End Reports as requested by appropriate members of the Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club administration; and maintain previous years’ financial records. The Treasurer, with assistance from the Board President, shall also be responsible for the collection, authentication, filing and posting of all IRS mandated reports, forms and required submissions and documentation.
Directors: Individual Director responsibilities shall be decided by the Board President and approved by the Board of Directors. It is the responsibility of each Board member to read, understand and abide by all governing documents of both the WRPBC and the Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club.
Immediate Past President: The immediate past President of the WRPBC shall hold a consultant’s position on any newly elected Board of Directors and shall not be a voting member of the newly elected Board.
Section A. Quorum – A minimum of 10% of the current general membership (in good standing) excluding or in addition to the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for general meetings and therefore may conduct any business at such meetings. A simple majority of members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for board meetings and therefore may conduct any business brought before the Board at such meetings.
Section B. Voting by electronic means: Both the general membership and Board of Directors may submit individual votes by electronic means within the established timeframe as identified on the meeting notification, providing that the voting results are printable in hard copy and retained with the minutes of the meeting at which such vote was called.
Section C. General Membership Meetings: Membership meetings shall be held not less than twice annually to conduct elections, vote on the WRPBC annual budget and conduct any other business as identified in the meeting agenda. The time and place of such meetings shall be determined by the Board of Directors. The Board President shall preside at all such meetings and Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed. A quorum (as defined above) shall be necessary to conduct any business of the club at the General Membership meetings, and a simple majority vote of the membership shall be sufficient to conduct any business requiring the vote of the membership. Should the membership not fulfill stated voting requirements, the WRPBC Board of Directors reserves the right to institute a simple majority vote acceptance of previously received electronic responses and meeting attendees in order to conduct the business of the WRPBC. Election meetings are no longer held, ballots are sent out electronically prior to the General Meeting, where results are presented.
Section D. Board Meetings: The Board President may call meetings of the Board of Directors at any time by giving notice orally, in writing, or via electronic means. The President shall determine the time and place of such meetings. WRPBC Board meetings shall be conducted utilizing both “Open” and “Closed” session format, as identified on meeting agendas;
a. Open Session: General Membership and/or members of the Public may attend in order to facilitate clear communications with the WRPBC Board of Directors.
b. Closed Session: General Membership or members of the Public are not present during this time, thereby allowing the Board of Directors to facilitate the expeditious handling of board meeting agenda items.
Section E. Each sitting Board member shall have one vote, and decisions shall be carried by a simple majority. In cases of any tied vote, the Board President shall abstain from casting a vote.
Additional information is detailed in the Standing Rules and Operating Procedures document.
Section F. Meeting Notifications, Agendas and Minutes: Notifications of both general and board meeting dates shall be posted within the Kiosk located on our Pickleball Courts and on our website, under documents, not less than seven (7) days in advance of the meeting date.
Special and/or emergency meeting notifications shall be posted in a timely manner. All meeting agendas and minutes thereof shall be posted not more than seven (7) days after final adoption by the Board of Directors.
Section A. Maintenance of Financial Records: Financial records and related documentation shall be maintained per current IRS regulations. See Standing Rules and Operating Procedures for more details.
Section B. Expenditures: Unbudgeted single expenditures not to exceed $1000.00 may be approved by the Board of Directors in its discretion. Unbudgeted expenditures in excess of $1000.00 must be approved by a majority vote of the general membership or per Article IV Section C of these bylaws.
Section C. Reimbursements: Expenditures incurred by authorized members of the WRPBC shall be submitted (along with an expense report form) to the Treasurer, who will bring such requests to the Board President (or Vice President in the absence of the President) for reimbursement approval. The Treasurer will provide payment of approved reimbursements to the submitter.
Section D. Financial Records: Qualified persons or organizations, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, club members, or appropriate Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club administrators, may audit the club’s financial records.
Section E. Annual Budget, Cash, and Inventory of Club Assets: The
Board of Directors shall prepare an annual budget to be presented to the General Membership at a regularly scheduled membership meeting. All funds/revenues shall be deposited in a bank account established in the club’s name. All cash receipts shall be deposited in said account. The Treasurer shall keep appropriate receipts and invoices covering all such transactions as part of the club’s financial records. The Board of Directors shall designate not less than two Board Members as persons authorized to sign checks drawn from the WRPBC bank account: preferably consisting of the Treasurer and the Board President. All assets of the club shall be physically inventoried at least once annually by the designated board member, who shall provide such report to the Treasurer for records maintenance.
The Board of Directors will ensure that all donations to the WRPBC are properly recorded and filed and that all donors receive a letter of contribution for tax purposes.
Section A. Appointment: The Board of Directors may appoint committees, and chairpersons thereof, to assist in carrying out the club’s function and purposes.
Section A. Should the Board of Directors wish to have any member of the Board removed from office, the following procedure must be adhered to;
a. The Board must establish an Investigative Committee consisting of not less than five (5) people from the General Membership.
b. The Board shall provide the Investigative Committee with a written and detailed documentation of the reason for removal.
c. The Committee shall perform an in-depth and fair investigation of all allegations in a timely manner (not to exceed 30 days).
d. Upon consensus, the Investigative Committee shall provide a written report and recommendations to the Board for consideration of action.
e. The Board of Directors shall then take appropriate and agreed upon action.
Section A. The WRPBC Board of Directors and duly assigned committees are permitted to amend this document upon occasion and as deemed necessary. All revisions must be approved by the General Membership and then submitted to the appropriate Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club administrator for review and approval prior to final adoption by the WRPBC Board of Directors.
Section A. This Club may not be dissolved until all outstanding debts have been paid. Upon dissolution, all assets and all property of the Wickenburg Ranch Pickleball Club shall be surrendered to Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club in accordance with Wickenburg Ranch Golf & Social Club rules and regulations, subject to compliance with IRS regulations regarding Termination of Private Foundations, and WRPBC rules, regulations and procedures.
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